BIG HEART GROUP HOME 2 Emergency Management Plan
chapter 393.067 (8) Florida Statutes and chapter 65G-2.010 - Florida Administrative Code Incorporated Herein by Reference. The foregoing recitals and the Exhibits attached hereto and referred to herein, are hereby acknowledged
to be true and accurate, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
This Plan is intended as a guide. Big Heart Home Care LLC as the parent company reserves the right to modify its actions both prior to and during an emergency to ensure the safety of our clients and staff and the proper functioning
of the Facility.
This document refers to emergencies and disasters that occur on any property owned, leased, or operated by Big Heart Home Care LLC only.
Statement of Purpose
This document and associated materials constitute the Comprehensive Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") of Big Heart Home Care LLC. This Plan is to be implemented in the
event of a major emergency or disaster.
The purposes of this plan are:
- To protect the lives and property of the staff and clients of Big Heart Home Care LLC.
- To preserve the orderly functioning of the facility during emergencies.
- To establish clear lines of authority and communication among the staff and clients during an emergency.
- To coordinate decision making and effective use of available manpower and resources in the event of an emergency.
- To identify the Facility's role in coordinating emergency operations with outside agencies.
Business Information :
6001 ELDORADO DR Tampa , Florida 33615 , Hillsborough
Phone : (813) 215-5090
Cell phone : (407) 451-8340
Email : robertmerced@gmail.com
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Emergency management plans shall be in accordance with Sections 252.355 and 252.356, F.S. and updated at least annually and the facility shall review its emergency management plan on an annual basis. Created by Robert Merced on : 12/10/2016 To be updated as needed or yearly as required. REVISION HISTORY FOUND BELOW
Included in this Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan are the provisions required for the initial licensing of a Foster/Group home by chapter 393.067 (8) Florida Statutes and chapter 65G-2.010 - Florida Administrative
Created on: 12/28/2016 By: Robert Merced
Updated on: 01/12/2017 By: Robert Merced
Updated on: 01/08/2018 By: Robert Merced
Updated on: 01/03/2019 By: Robert Merced
In accordance with chapter 393.067 (8) Florida Statutes Facility licensure it is required that rules for foster care facilities, group home facilities, and residential habilitation centers which establish minimum standards
for the preparation and annual update of a comprehensive emergency management plan. At a minimum, the rules must provide for plan components that address emergency evacuation transportation; adequate sheltering arrangements; post
disaster activities, including emergency power, food, and water; post disaster transportation; supplies; staffing; emergency equipment; individual identification of residents and transfer of records; and responding to family inquiries.
In accordance with
65G-2.010 - Florida Administrative Code
(a) EMERGENCY PLAN COMPONENTS. Pursuant to Section 393.067(8), F.S., each facility shall prepare a written comprehensive emergency management plan which shall be updated as needed and on an annual basis. The emergency management
plan must address the following:
1. Provision for all hazards. Each plan shall describe the potential hazards to which the facility is vulnerable such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, fires, hazardous materials, incidents from fixed facilities or transportation
accidents, and power outages during severe cold or hot weather.
2. Provision for the care of residents remaining in the facility during an emergency including pre-disaster or emergency preparation; protecting the facility; supplies; emergency power; food and water; staffing; and emergency
3. Provision for the care of residents who are evacuated from the facility during an emergency and provision for the care of any residents that remain in the facility during an emergency, including identification of such residents
and transfer of resident records; evacuation transportation; sheltering arrangements; supplies; staffing; emergency equipment; and medications.
4. Identification of residents with mobility limitations who may need specialized assistance either at the facility or in case of evacuation.
5. Identification of and coordination with the local emergency management agency.
6. Arrangement for post-disaster activities including responding to family inquiries, obtaining medical intervention for residents; transportation; and reporting to the county office of emergency management the number of residents
who have been relocated and the place of relocation.
7. The identification of staff responsible for implementing each part of the plan.
1. Provision for all hazards. This Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan describes the potential hazards to which our facility is vulnerable such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, fires, hazardous materials, incidents from fixed
facilities or transportation accidents, and power outages during severe cold or hot weather.
The most frequent and devastating natural disasters that Big Heart Group Home 2 facility may be susceptible to include:
In the event of any of these natural disasters staff must follow the following:
- Hurricanes
- Tornadoes
- Flooding
- Fire
- Power Outage
In case of an Evacuation
6001 Eldorado Dr Tampa FL 33615 robertmerced@yahoo.com
Merced Care Home LLC
7322 Egypt Lake Drive
Tampa Florida 33614
Office: (813)-405-8831
Mobile: (813)-516-4399
E: mercedcarehomellc@gmail.com
Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Airport
6902 West Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa, FL 33634
(813) 886-7799
Distance: 4 min (0.9 mile)
As a last resort:
Emergency shelters designated by government agencies and first responders.
CALL - 911
In case of a Hurricane
before a HURRICANE
1. Listen to weather reports.
2. Gather your Disaster Preparedness Kit, including individual medications, a First Aid Kit, food, water, battery-operated radio with extra batteries, flashlights with extra batteries, cash and credit cards, clothes
and shoes.
3. If anyone requires electricity to sustain their basic medical needs, take them to a nearby hospital.
4. Identify backup facilities that all occupants can go to, depending on the severity of the hurricane.
5. Secure outdoor equipment.
6. Close storm shutters or cover windows and glass doors.
7. Turn refrigerators and freezers on their coldest settings and open them only when necessary.
8. Place valuables in waterproof containers.
9. Follow any agency-specific guidelines.
during a hurricane
1. Stay in the center of the building, away from windows and doors.
2. Turn off electricity.
3. If the structure gets damaged and the occupants must leave, follow posted evacuation routes. Look out for flooded roads and bridges.
after a hurricane
1. Wait for authorities to announce that it is safe to return.
2. Report power outages and downed power lines.
3. Enter the structure slowly, and look and listen for signs of structural damage. Open doors and windows for ventilation.
4. Check for damage to electrical system, sewage, and gas lines. Report any damages, and do not attempt to use until repairs are complete.
In case of a TORNADO
before a TORNADO
Listen to weather reports. Once a tornado warning has been issued for your area, take all residents to an area or areas that are as close as possible to the center of the building, preferably without windows. If your building has a basement, this would be the best location for everyone to stay until the tornado passes. Take a battery-operated radio with you!
during a TORNADO
Stay together. If possible, place mattresses or bedding over people for added protection
after a TORNADO
Count everyone and
assess everyone’s injuries. If injuries require medical care, call 911. If
structural damage has occurred, remove people from the place where people who
receive services live.
In case of a Flood
before a FLOOD
Listen to weather reports to see if flooding will be occurring in your area. If flooding seems likely to occur, make sure all residents that require electricity (e.g., medical equipment) are removed to a safer place. If it seems likely that the entire structure will flood, identify an emergency location to which all occupants can be moved.
during a FLOOD
Turn off all breakers in
the electrical box to shut off electricity. Gather necessary items, such as
medications, First Aid Kit, clothing, food, water, blankets, and other items,
to a safe place away from the flood area.
after a FLOOD
Make sure everyone is
present. Assess physical conditions of everyone and provide medical care as
needed until the place where people who receive services live is ready to
occupy again.